Here’s a rare sight
Two Halls double heading in restoration
7903 welcomed its rather older brother No 4936 Kinlet Hall  (built 1929) to the GWSR
Kinlet has a mainline certificate but was putting in some preservation running here with 7903
7903doubleheadedKinletHallimp3.gif Theteamwith7903.gif Boilerinspection.gif DSCF0746.JPGimp.gif
Gala Week
On GWSR June 2006

Another rare coupling in preservation of a Hall/Castle with 7903 and 5051 Drysllwyn Castle in harness
A double-heading, made even rarer by seeing two Hawksworth tenders on the same train
By George,
That’s a Great Photo

We are indebted to Steve George of the GWSR for allowing us to use his great action shot of Foremarke leaving the Winchcombe End of Greet Tunnel.  
Thanks Steve